Educational Topics:
These article are meant to start a conversation not be the definitive word on a topic. I do not agree with every article. I just find them insightful. If you read something you think would add to the conversation please send me a link.
These links will jump you to the articles sorted by topics. You can also scroll through the topics by just scrolling down.
Raising Kids
We teach multiplication using a system called partial products.
This article explains why we use it and how it works.
********(This is one of the best Math articles)********
The Way You Learned Math is so Old School
Common Core Math
31 R 12 Busses
Why do we teach math (May take awhile to load)
A TED talk Teaching math with computers
Numeracy- How well do we work with numbers:
Are you Smarter Than an 8th Grader?
Math homework is very stressful, for child AND parent:

When Homework Stresses Parents as Well as Students
How much does your feeling about math affect your child?
Math homework parent anxiety
How it feels to read books without characters that look like you.
For Young Latino Readers, an Image Is Missing
Will texting change our language?
Talking With Your Fingers
These two articles talk about watching what your kids are doing online:
You Can Track Your Kids. But Should You?
'Big Brother'? No, It's Parents
Technology- Tonasket School District
This year could be worth $25,000 to your child. This article explains why.
***********(This is one of my favorite articles!) ********
The Value of Teachers
What are Common Core -'Core' Curriculum Puts Education Experts At Odds
Some ideas about evaluating teachers using tests.
What does it take to be a good scientist?
Advice On Passion, Brilliance And Bugs In 'Letters'
Some ideas about evaluating teachers using tests.
Testing the Teachers
Exercise helps the brain remember things
How Exercise Can Help You Master New Skills
An interesting short article about what teachers want from parents
Five things Teachers Want Parents to Know
The lasting effects of a good teacher
Big Study Links Good Teaching to Higher Student Life Earning
Students struggle after Winter Break:
How to Help Kids in Poverty Adjust to the Stability of School After Break
Do you like parent teacher conferences?
Rethinking Parent-Teacher Conferences
How does movement help kids learn?
Why Do We Make Students Sit Still in Class?
More information on the Common Core:
Common Core, in 9-Years-Olds Eyes
Are we on the right track to get the best education for our students?
(Tonasket Schools is according to this article.)
Teachers: Will We Ever Learn?
You can read or listen to this NPR article about how Eastern cultures
value students struggling with assignments.
Struggle For Smarts? How Eastern And Western Cultures Tackle Learning
Common Core Interview with one of the originators
When Will We Ever Learn
Learning the Right Way to Struggle
Learning the Right Way to Struggle (
This is an interesting article about one question on a standardized test (like our MSP.) It shows some of problems with these high stakes testing.
When Pineapple Races Hare
Standardized test- are they valid?
Fighting the Tests
Seattle teachers refuse to give the NWEA test
Teacher Standoff Stokes Debate over Standardized Tests
Insights into why other countries score higher on normed tests (radio article)
What Makes The 'Smartest Kids In The World'?
What we test and how we teach
Greater Expectations: The Challenge of the Common Core
More information about the Common Core
In Push for Common Core Many Parents Left Uneducated
Raising Kids:
Rewarding Reading? (Author says not to)
No, Your Kid Shouldn’t Get a Gold Star for Reading
Parents have a big impact.
What did you learn in school today?
Here is an article about the changes in 2012 in the program that provides funds for school lunches, There is also a funny video by highschool students back East lampooning the changes:
No Appetite for Good-for-You School Lunches
Same topic: Fun Video from Youtube
ADHD: Less use of medicine
Early Behavior Therapy Found to Aid Children With A.D.H.D.
Not all kids sleep well and this affects their learning.
Helping Our School-Age Children Sleep Better
What to look at when deciding to send a sick child to school:
Too Sick for School, or Just Doesn’t Want to Go?
Parent involvement?
Parental Involvement Is Overrated
(It is important to note that this only refers to some types of parent involvement. Asking your child the questions I put in the newsletters are great parent involvement.)
Homework - how much
Homework: A New User's Guide
Homework - Why I do not give it
Rethinking homework
This article questions rewarding kids for everything.
Losing is Good for You
Talking to students about tough topics
Talking about tough topics
Tips for talking to Children about the Shooting in Newtown.
Tips for Talking to Children
A longer explanation of why we do not have class parties
Why We Do Not Have Class Parties