Ms. Olson and the 5th Grade Explorers

Welcome to fifth grade!
Our theme this year is “Chart Your Course.” We'll be exploring and reading about journeys in the past as well as thinking about our own journeys and setting goals for our future. In science we'll explore tiny things (atoms) to very large things (size and distance in space), while in social studies we'll travel back to the beginnings of our country. We'll dive into all kinds of reading and develop strong writing, research and presentation skills. Our math this year will dig into fraction and decimal operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing). We will be using a variety of digital tools--whenever appropriate and possible.
We'll work towards creating a classroom where respect, personal responsibility and problem solving are evident. We’ll also work together at becoming a strong learning community.
If you have questions, please email me: [email protected]. I look forward to working with you--and to a great year!