Tonasket School District would like to welcome you to our brand-new website! Feel free to explore the new web space and check out some of the features including: calendars, news, and quick links. Subscribe to our Facebook feed to receive updates on school and district information!


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Recent News

This is the image for the news article titled Principal's Corner
Principal's Corner
These last few weeks of school are going by so quickly! It has been a wonderful year of learning for our students, and we are finishing strong. ​
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PTO News
What a wonderful year it has been! The PTO has been busy this year with Trunk ‘r Treat, Scholastic Bookfair Books for every child, Candy Cane Bingo, Missoula Children's Theatre and of course our Fund Run! We have also been honored to support our students, teachers, volunteers and activities all year long! We look forward to next year being even better! We wish you a safe and fun filled summer and hope to see you at a meeting or some of the fun activities and events next year! Please welcome our new PTO board members: President: Jamie Rieth Vice President: Angel Jones Treasurer: Rachel Miketa-Lacey Secretary: Desiree Jones Also, with the end of the school year, don’t forget to show appreciation to your child’s teacher!!!
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This is the image for the news article titled Vector Alert Letter
Vector Alert Letter
Safety is one of our district's top priorities and to help safeguard our school community, we've taken an important step that I want to share with you...
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This is the image for the news article titled Registration Information
Registration Information
Kindergarten Registration upon us! Are you new to the district and wonder how to enroll your child for school.
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This is the image for the news article titled Noticias del Programa Migratorio
Noticias del Programa Migratorio
El tiempo de calidad dedicado a los hijos trae consigo una gran recompensa. El Personal del Programa Migrante Migrante consciente de esto agradece a todas las personas que hicieron posible (Padres, Estudiantes, Administradores, Consejeros, Miembros de la Mesa Directiva, Expositores, Personal Escolar General) que cada mes las reuniones mensuales de padres migrantes fueran un éxito. La participación de los padres desarrolla un amor por el aprendizaje además de que los estudiantes se sienten motivados a atender a la escuela. El involucramiento de los padres es esencial para el buen desempeño del alumno.
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