
Picture representing Reading

According to David Coleman, a lead author of the Common Core State Standards, says that the single predictor to college and career success is for a student to read complex text independently with confidence.Throughout the year, students learn multiple strategies and skills in reading in order to eventually get them to this point. At third grade students are still learning how to read words as well as how to understand and interpret text. Reading is a complex process and skills are taught to build upon one another.

Fifty percent of all reading at third grade should be fictional (stories) while the other half should be non-fiction (informational). Students are expected to read more in science, social studies, and history that ever before. Since current science practitioners spend 80% of their time actually reading, it is crucial that 3rd grade science include reading not just experimenting. Throughout the third grade year, I will teach students how to read and understand this kind of informational text using CAFE strategies.

In my class, regardless of the subject area, students will use CAFE learning strategies that are found sprinkled throughout the Kindergarten-fourth grade Common Core State Standards. CAFE stands for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanding vocabulary. These are the building blocks of an efficient reader. Confident readers use CAFE strategies on a consistent basis before, during, and after reading text independently in order to better comprehend.
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